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3 Reasons to Start Your Yoga Journey

3 Reasons to start your yoga journey | kindroot

1. What are some of the biggest benefits of yoga?

There are so many benefits to yoga! Many know yoga as a physical activity that builds strength and flexibility. However, yoga is often the first experience of learning to connect fully with the breath. Yoga creates focus and mindfulness, as well as more body awareness. Many people who practice yoga experience increased clarity, and peace of mind. They also find community, which is such a beautiful thing. 


2. What would you recommend for someone new to yoga? 

For anyone new to yoga, don’t be afraid or intimidated to try it out. I know a lot of first-timers try to hide in the back of class 🤣, but I think it’s more beneficial to be somewhere in the middle so that there’s always someone around you can look at for guidance. You can try taking a class with a friend if that makes you more comfortable, or find a class that is for beginners. 

There are so many different styles of yoga, and instructors with different talents. Sometimes it takes patience and time to find out what meets your needs. Yoga is for everyone, every shape, every age, every body type. 


3. Are you able to explain some of the different types of yoga? 

Vinyasa yoga is quite popular; it’s an energetic and active style of practice which involves movement coordinated with the breath. There is a constant flow of movement and breath, which builds heat, strength and awareness in the body.

Restorative yoga is great for relaxation and healing. In a restorative yoga class, you may only do a handful of poses  seated or laying down, often using props (like blankets, bolsters, blocks, and straps) to support the body into feeling ease in every shape. Restorative yoga calms the nervous system, allowing the body to rest and reset. 

Yin yoga also involves long-held poses for deep stretching of muscles and connective tissue. This exercises the joints and helps energy flow, improving flexibility, and range of motion. The poses in yin can feel a bit more active than passive. 

These are just a few types— there are lots of other styles of yoga too! 


Tell us a bit about your studio Yoga Bliss. 

Yoga Bliss is a boutique studio in LA that offers different types of yoga classes, as well as other events like sound baths and solstice celebrations. Our yoga classes are heated to a warm cozy temperature of 80*F, to get warmed up and help with flexibility. We aim to create a sense of community and welcoming atmosphere for everyone who shows up to practice. 


*The views expressed in this document are that of Lara Estrada, RYT alone. Lara Estrada, RYT has not received any fee or consultancy payment for this article.

Disclaimer: The information stated in this article is for educational purposes only. The information stated is not intended to treat, diagnose or cure any disease, condition or other physical or mental ailment of the human body. The desire to make any changes to one's dietary habits or supplementation should be consulted and discussed with a licensed medical professional. 

Before trying any poses, please assess whether you are ready and always consult your physician before beginning any exercise program or if you are pregnant or have specific injuries.

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