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Five Things that are Disrupting your Sleep

caucasian woman in bed - top 5 things to avoid for better sleep | kindroot

What’s keeping you awake at night?

There could be a lot of things that are disrupting your sleep. I will help you narrow down the list of possible habits that are hindering your sleep quality. 

Sleeping Habits

When I was in college, I always had issues falling asleep during the first week of classes. The entire summer or winter break, I would stay up until 4 in the morning, not partying like a stereotypical college student, but I would be up all night playing Sims 4, creating chaos. 

Once school started, I would have trouble getting back to my routine of falling asleep early and waking up early. I would stay up all night, sleep for 3 hours, wake up early, go to class, chug some coffee, and then take a nap around whenever I got home. 

Taking a nap during the day made me less tired at night, thus continuing this cycle of no sleep. Napping, especially later in the day, is notorious for disrupting your sleep at night. 

So, if you’re an advent napper or currently going through the same things I did, try to minimize the number of naps you take. Another thing that can keep you awake, besides coffee, is eating. If you can, try to eat a little throughout the day. Eating a balanced meal or snack every 3-4 hours can help stabilize your energy. 

Late Night Snacking

I have a habit of waking up in the middle of the night and eating. Occasionally, I’ve found myself grabbing extra snacks from the kitchen and leaving them on my nightstand whenever I had a craving. 

When you eat late at night, your body is working to digest the food you’ve consumed. Since your body isn’t resting when it’s supposed to be and working the late-night shift, it may take some time for you to fall asleep. 

Try to finish up any eating 2 hours before your bedtime.

Caffeine Intake

Drinking caffeine after 5 pm isn’t the best idea if you won't go to bed early. It can stay in your body for four to six hours. If you’re craving some in the afternoon, switch to decaf. 

Sleep Environment

When you walk into your room, how does it make you feel? Does it make you feel warm and cozy? Or uncomfortable? How’s the air quality? 

There are a few things in your bedroom that could be disrupting your sleep patterns. Make sure your room is cool at night so your body temperature can drop faster, making it easier to sleep. Incorporate comforting decorations or ambiance lighting. Also, try to declutter your space so you won’t get distracted by the mess. 

Using Devices

Using your cell phone in bed can hinder your sleep and your laptop or tv. The blue light messes with your body's ability to create melatonin (the hormone that makes you sleepy). If you still want to use your phone before going to sleep, I suggest switching your devices to night mode. 

Go to your device’s settings and check and see if you can change the tint to ensure a better night's sleep. 


Read more about effective sleep routines with our Sleep Coach, Rebekah Delling here. 

Happy Dreaming!


Disclaimer: The information stated in this article is for educational purposes only. The information stated is not intended to treat, diagnose or cure any disease, condition or other physical or mental ailment of the human body. The desire to make any changes to one's dietary habits or supplementation should be consulted and discussed with a licensed medical professional. 

Before trying any poses, please assess whether you are ready and always consult your physician before beginning any exercise program or if you are pregnant or have specific injuries.

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